Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Internet provider games

My broadband providers have been...interesting.  My first attempt was to use Qwest.  I got it all signed up, but cancelled after I found out that they were going to charge me extra for the DSL modem rental, unless I purchased one, which would also be extra.  So looking at my options, I figured out that it was less expensive to go with Earthlink for one year.  They'd give me the DSL modem, and a year at a discounted rate for the first 3 months and a bumped up rate thereafter ended up being cheaper than paying qwest for the same service at a lower price but then tacking on the modem.  I figured I could then switch to Qwest after a year, when it became cheaper to be with qwest and have no modem rental fee.

After 1 year, comcast ended up having the best deal available.  So I switched over to Comcast.  Again, figuring that after a year I'd switch back to Qwest when the Comcast deal ran out.  After a year, the Comcast deal ran out, but they gave me an even better offer.  So I stayed another year.  And this happened a third time.  Each time when I called to cancel my service with Comcast, they then gave me a good or better deal to keep me on.  Well, this year that ended.  No matter who I talked to, they were just unwilling to give me a good deal.  That's their game.  They try to work you into their regular, really bad deals when the good deals expire.  They gave me two deals.  1) Pay $18 more for the next 6 months to get the same level of service I have been getting, at which point then it bumps up another $8 for the remaining 6 months of the contract.  2) Pay only $8 more for substantially lower service than I currently get (much slower line).  I just could not get them to realize that having $0 from me is considerably less than keeping me at my current rate, which isn't exactly cheap to begin with.  But I'm not going to pay $46 for a 1.5 MB line.  Just no way.

So I checked out the wireless providers in my area.  Nobody had anything better than 1.5 MB and all of them were loaded with complaints on the forums.  Obviously wireless isn't going to work for me.  Kudos to Clear for admitting to me up front that I would probably not be happy with their service because I was right on the border of their "best" vs. "good" reception.  At least they were honest about it.  The other thing that bothered me was the huge upfront costs for the equipment and/or installation and/or activation.

So I went to qwest, figuring I'd sign up for DSL.  Only, now they were telling me that I don't have DSL in my area.  Odd, since they used to provide it.  So I went to earthlink and ... presto, I have DSL again for average of about $33 a month until next year...in my area...provided by qwest.  I don't get how Qwest can tell me that I don't have DSL service but then send me a welcome packet and provide it.  They still don't think I have DSL in my area, even though my account clearly shows that I have it through them.  Don't know what their game is.  Maybe they are still upset at me for cancelling the day I signed up, several years ago.


  1. Called a qwest (now centurylink) representative about upgrading my DSL speed. Got someone who was able to explain my situation. Apparently back at the time they had a limited amount of bandwidth per cable and had sold out all of the bandwidth in my area, which is why they couldn't offer it. Earthlink had purchased some of that bandwidth, which is why they could offer it. Now they have fiber optic into my area, but earthlink won't let me get a faster speed.

    1. More fun games. I had to stay with earthlink until my contract expired (or pay $$$ for cancelling early). I finally got past that magical date so I get a line faster than 1.5 Mbps. I called earthlink and confirmed that they still couldn't upgrade my line to the faster line. So I told them to cancel it. And then I called centurylink. the person I got on the phone was about as helpful as...dried glue. After I explained that I was currently with earthlink and wanted to switch to centurylink so I could get a faster rate, he seemed confused. "But you have our service already". Yes, and I explained that Earthlink uses centurylink DSL to provide me with service, and that I had just cancelled with Earthlink so I could switch over. He said my line qualified for 20 Mbps, 12 Mbps, 7 Mbps, and 1.5. He said "so you want the 20?". I confirmed. He said "you're going to have to call earthlink to get a faster line."

      I tried to explain once again that I was trying to switch OFF of earthlink and use centurylink as my new provider. I asked him how much the 20 Mb line was. He told me that he couldn't help me until my line was disconnected from Earthlink.

      "um, you can't tell me how much it is going to cost until I get disconnected?"

      So then he puts me on hold to find out from his supervisor. He comes back. "$70". oh. Well, that's far more than I was expecting. So I asked about the 12 MB line. "$60". "Really?" I asked. "That's kind of a far cry from the $20 price advertised on TV." And he says "oh, but that's for new customers."

      "Um. I WOULD be a new customer."

      Anyway, I get out of him that the $70 included the phone service and unlimited long distance. Well, I didn't need their long distance service. I don't have anybody long distance that I call and I use my cell for the ones I do. So I say "ok, how much for JUST the DSL?" "Standalone?" asks he. I reply "yes".


      "ok, well I'll shop around, thanks." and I hung up. I figured I wasn't going to get anywhere with him.

      Finally got my line disconnected and felt like I could call them again and it wouldn't be so confusing. Sure enough, it wasn't. I got my $20 rate and had to go without internet for 1 week while they reconnected my line. Much better service rep this time.
