Saturday, August 21, 2010

The birth of a new law

I think most people have experienced it themselves or had a close friend that has had this happen...

It happens to me all the time.  As a computer professional, I often help out other people.  Many times "it doesn't work" suddenly works when I do it.  And I've had it happen to me as well.  I went to demonstrate something that didn't work to show how it was broken and, sure enough, it worked just fine.

I had that experience today.  A client couldn't install one of the products I had written.  So the client tried to show me and it worked.  The client felt foolish, but I tried to reassure him that he wasn't.  I've witnessed this phenomenon often enough that I know it exists.

I think this is a common effect with automobiles.  Something goes wrong and you take it to the mechanic.  And it works just fine.  It only happens when the mechanic isn't around.

And then I got to thinking, what is this phenomenon called?  There has to be a name for it.  I searched around, but was unable to find anything.  Maybe my internet searching skills need to be upgraded.  It is like a variation of Murphy's Law.  Since it happens only when observed, my immediate thoughts turned to the observer effect - that by watching it impacts the outcome.  Not quite the same thing.  This is something that needs a name.

I do believe it should be a "Law".  Like Murphy's Law or the Law of Attraction -- not really laws that pass scientific muster, but giving them the "Law" title adds a bit of humor to it.   Elevating it to the same status as the law of gravity gives it a false sense of always applying.

"The Law of Observation" has a nice ring to it, but a quick internet search shows a few different versions of Law of Observation already attempted to be defined by others with a different definition.  One saying that it relates to whether or not something happened because it wasn't observed (for instance a tree falling in the forest, does it make a sound), one relating to the way things changed based on how you feel from having observed something (negative / positive), and a third very humorous one stating that the probability of being observed while doing something stupid is proportional to how stupid the act is.  Personally, I think this third one should have full claim to that title, so I'll gracefully bow out of using that one.

I found a humorous website full of Laws of the same caliber.  None matching the law I'm describing.

In fact, I need a good description for it.  So here goes:  The problem will disappear when the technician is there but will reappear when when the technician leaves.  Scientifically, this could be stated as: The visibility of the problem is inversely proportional to the proximity of the technician.  Hmmm, the plain version sounds easier to understand, I'll leave it at that.

There's two meanings to it.
  • The technician won't see the problem when you try to show it
  • The technician sees the problem and fixes it and shows you that it is working
but in either case, the end result is that the problem comes back after the technician leaves.

Alright, I think that's a good definition.  Now just need a good name for it.  Technician's Law.  Searching the web I find one post that already refers to it, but the person posting is describing an actual law in Israel for ensuring technicians come during the time they scheduled.  Nothing humorous, fairly targeted and little room for confusion.  I think I can use the same title :)

There, coined and official.
Technician's Law: The problem will disappear when the technician is there but will reappear when the technician leaves.

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